Learn to strategically map your career to any goal, like VP or better — retirement.
You stand out – so do I. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes, not so good. So how can you channel and leverage your talent and skills to get ahead in the workplace because of your differences NOT despite them?
The hardest working and brightest people all over the world emigrate to the U.S. for the American Dream. Some of the greatest minds are born every day with disabilities and yet, without them, we would have no breakthroughs in science. Diversity is not just about race or gender – it’s about our different abilities, ways of thinking, how we were raised, and more. Only when the workforce reflects the true population of our community will great innovation occur.
When you build self-confidence, remove self-limiting beliefs, and arm yourself with data and proven career strategies, you learn to find your voice at work, get noticed, AND most importantly, be valued. Self-introspection is key to developing the best version of you – the tech leader within.
Prepare for tomorrow with knowledge and skills today. You are capable of more than you know
Your career growth can never be managed by anyone other than you. If you are no longer feeling challenged at your current position, it’s probably time for a move. Make a list of what you want to learn or accomplish in your next role.
Before leaving your current job, make a list of everything you’ve accomplished there (it’s amazing how quickly we forget!).
Quantify these accomplishments with real dollars and compare that to your current salary. You’ll probably realize that you need a raise — most companies get a huge ROI from their workers. Keep this in mind when setting a salary target for your next role.
Ideally, you should never plan to ask for “what I made at my last job” or “market rate” because you are a unique individual with your own unique value that has only increased since your last pay negotiation.
Finally, considering the value you bring and your personal goals, identify the fields, industries, skills, tools, or experiences that will help move you in the direction you want to go.
Maybe you want to get into a new industry because it fascinates you, or you want to learn a new skill (project management is always a great one) that will work alongside your other skills to build your market value.
Make sure you have the following things in order before making looking for a new role
Study the company and its culture. Look up the interviewers on LinkedIn (or other social media) to understand your audience. Don’t just focus on the technicals: people spend half their waking hours at their job, and relationships are extremely important too!
The relationships you build at every job can have huge benefits for you in the long run. Make a habit of leaving a good impression, regardless of if you are planning on leaving. You never know who might be positioned to help you in the future (and vice-versa)
No matter what your experience level or rank is, having a well constructed 30-60-90 day plan is not only a great way to impress a hiring manager or decision-maker, but it’s essential to making the most of the new position from day one.
Making a point to Observe and Learn, then to Engage and Track, and finally, Act and Own will set you apart and give you the context and clarity to excel at your new job.
When at all possible, enter the job search process with a way to support yourself and your family financially for the next year.
For most of us, that means “don’t quit your day job” until you’ve landed the next one. If you end up in a position where you need something “now” to keep food on the table, you will be literally unable to afford to be picky about the place you work, let alone the salary you earn.
Even when the job market is hot – always make sure you have the financial means to avoid being pushed into a role you don’t want.
If you have a gap between jobs, use that time for continuing professional education or other skill-building activities like side projects or volunteer work.
The goal is to keep your skills active and growing.
As a bonus, you’ll get practice working independently from direction by a boss (who doesn’t love a “self-starter?”). These are all things you can either put on a resume or talk about during an interview or onboarding.